уторак, 31. децембар 2013.
уторак, 24. децембар 2013.
Комора младих активних грађана, у суботу 21.12.2013.год у сали гимназије "Бора Станковић", окупила је организације, компаније, појединце и пријатеље добре воље, како би заједно прикупили новчана средства и тако помогли установи "Мара".
Удружење кошаркашких судија источне Србије се придружило манифестацији и дало свој скромни допринос овој акцији.
петак, 20. децембар 2013.
ХАЛА ЧАИР - прес центар
окт/нов 2013.год
Гости предавачи:
- ВЛАДА ЈЕВТОВИЋ - национални судија
- ТОМИСЛАВ СИМИЋ - тренер ОКК Јуниор
среда, 18. децембар 2013.
субота, 14. децембар 2013.
Поштоване колеге,
дуго очекивана прослава нам се ближи.
Позивамо Вас да се у што већем броју окупимо и заједно прославимо, у
четвртак 26.12.2013.године од 20h
ресторан Зона Замфирова - Ниш
Цена прославе је 1700 динара.
За све додатне информације, можете се обратити колегама
Петковић Богдану и Стошић Стефану
Петковић Богдану и Стошић Стефану
Спортски поздрав
уторак, 10. децембар 2013.
среда, 4. децембар 2013.
Timeline of the evolution of BASKETBALL RULES:
1895 - The free throw line was officially placed 15 feet from the basket
1985 - Field goal or basket was changed from counting as three to two points. Free throws were changed from three points to one.
1896 - Backboard added
1897 - Five players of each team on the court at the time
1905 - Rims with open nets become standard
1908 - Player ejected after five fouls
1915 - The dribbler was permitted to shoot. In addition, the dribble was defined as the "continuous passage of the ball", which made a double-dribble illegal
1921 - A player was allowed to re-enter the game once. Before that, once a player left he couldn't return.
1921 - A player was allowed to re-enter the game once. Before that, once a player left he couldn't return.
1922 - Travelling was changed from a foul to a violation. In other words, instead of the other team getting a free throw, the team in violation simply lost the ball
1923 - Designated free throw shooter eliminated
1924 - The player who was fouled had to shoot his own free throws. Prior to that, there was usually one player who shot all his team's free throws
1929 - The charging foul by the dribbler was called for the first time
1931 - The "held-ball" could be called when a closely guarded player withheld the ball from play for five seconds. The result was a jump ball
1933 - The ten-second center or midcourt line was introduced to cut down on stalling
1934 - A player could now leave and re-enter the game twice
1935 - The three-second rule was introduced
1936 - Center jump eliminated after each basket. That led to more continuous play
1945 - Defensive goaltending was banned. Unlimited substitution was introduced
1946 - Five personal foul now disqualified a player. An extra foul was not permitted in overtime games
1945 - Defensive goaltending was banned. Unlimited substitution was introduced
1946 - Five personal foul now disqualified a player. An extra foul was not permitted in overtime games
1949 - Coaches were allowed to speak to players during the time-out
1954 - NBA adopts 24-second shot clock or lose possession
1956 - FIBA adopts 30.second shot clock
1957 - The free throw line was increased from 6 to 12 feet wide
1958 - Offensive goaltending was banned
1958 - Offensive goaltending was banned
1971 - Five-on-five full court game becomes standard for women
1975 - NBA eliminates center jump to start the second, third and fourth periods
1976 - NBA permits the ball to be moved to the center line after time-out in last 2 mins
1975 - NBA eliminates center jump to start the second, third and fourth periods
1976 - NBA permits the ball to be moved to the center line after time-out in last 2 mins
1979 - NBA adds three-point shot
1984 - FIBA adopts a three-point line, 6.25m from the center of the basket
1988 - NBA adopts three officials
1997 - NBA mandates a 4foot arc around the basket where a player control foul for charging cannot be called if a player bumps into a primary defender
2000 - FIBA changes the shot clock from 30 to 24 seconds, and the number of seconds to advance the ball past half-court from 10 to 8 seconds
2001 - NBA follows the FIBA rule, reducing the time for a team to advance the ball past midcourt from 10 seconds to 8 seconds
1984 - FIBA adopts a three-point line, 6.25m from the center of the basket
1988 - NBA adopts three officials
1997 - NBA mandates a 4foot arc around the basket where a player control foul for charging cannot be called if a player bumps into a primary defender
2000 - FIBA changes the shot clock from 30 to 24 seconds, and the number of seconds to advance the ball past half-court from 10 to 8 seconds
2001 - NBA follows the FIBA rule, reducing the time for a team to advance the ball past midcourt from 10 seconds to 8 seconds
2003 - FIBA adopts the possession arrow rule to settle jump ball situations during game
2005 - FIBA permits the ball to be moved to the center line following a time out in the final two minutes of the fourth period or overtime
2006 - FIBA permits instant replay, based on the NBA rule
2006 - FIBA added third official for the first in international competition
2005 - FIBA permits the ball to be moved to the center line following a time out in the final two minutes of the fourth period or overtime
2006 - FIBA permits instant replay, based on the NBA rule
2006 - FIBA added third official for the first in international competition
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